She's my favourite singer ever..! I knew her since like more than a year ago.
Who is she? Uh-Fee..!!
Anna-Catherine Hartley as known as Uffie. Born in Florida but she moved to Hong Kong when she was four due to her father's work. Uffie's name comes from the French words Un Oeuf, means an egg. His father gave this name because she was so rowdy. By fifteen her mother sent her to Paris and she kinda liked French lifestyle. She studied fashion and attended the International School of Paris but when a music offer came along, she dropped outta school because it was "a once in a lifetime opportunity" and signed with Ed Banger Records in early 2006.
She came here to Jakarta about two months ago and i missed her concert. Not much people know about her and i seriously enjoy it because i would easily dislike if it turns to be sucha mainstream.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Black Swan
Wondering since i was child i oftenly heard about Black Swan and until now there's a movie called Black Swan (Natalie Portman & Mila Kunis). Dan juga sampe siang tadi my office mate nanyain apa sih sebenernya arti Black Swan itu. Innocently i answered, "Angsa Hitam!".. Krik krik krik... *Iya kalo diartiin pake Bahasa Indonesia dia juga tau. Bodohnya gue.*
Gue bilang ke dia iya juga ya, pasti mengandung arti, nah pada kesempatan ini gue lagi coba cari apa arti Black Swan selain Angsa Hitam..
Briefly, here we go...
Pertama dari jenis binatangnya, Angsa Hitam (Cygnus Atratus) itu adalah salah satu angsa yang terdapat di dalam marga Cygnus. Burung dewasa berukuran besar dengan panjang mencapai 130 cm. Bulunya berwarna hitam kecuali bulu yang ada di sayap, warnanya putih. Paruhnya merah, ada garis putih diujungnya. Kakinya berwarna abu-abu. Lehernya panjang dan membentuk huruf "S".
Angsa Hitam ini juga lambang resmi dari provinsi Australia Barat (Perth) karena emang fauna ini asli sana.
Symbol of Perth |
Kedua dari idiom. Black Swan, yaitu sebuah kejadian atau peristiwa yang menyimpang di luar apa yang biasanya diharapkan dari sebuah situasi. Nah biasanya tipikal Black Swan ini tuh random and unexpected. Teori tentang Black Swan ini dideskripsikan oleh A Lebanese, Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Dia itu seorang philosophical essayist and practitioner of mathematical finance. Ya gampangnya peneliti gitu lah.
Jadi imho kalo dari film Black Swan yang diperankan oleh Natalie Portman itu, ya ga ada hubungannya sama idiom Black Swan. Murni karena emang sebuah fiksi bergenre psychological thriller.
Ps: In my whole life, i haven't seen any of Black Swans lho. And now i'm curious what it looks like. Do i have to travel to Perth first?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gadji beri bimba (I zimbra)
Gadji beri bimba glandridi laula lonni cadori
gadjama gramma berida bimbala glandri galassassa laulitalomini
gadji beri bin blassa glassala laula lonni cadorsu sassala bim
gadjama tuffm i zimzalla binban gligla wowolimai bin beri ban
o katalominai rhinozerossola hopsamen laulitalomini hoooo
gadjama rhinozerossola hopsamen
bluku terullala blaulala loooo
zimzim urullala zimzim urullala zimzim zanzibar zimzalla zam
elifantolim brussala bulomen brussala bulomen tromtata
velo da bang band affalo purzamai affalo purzamai lengado tor
gadjama bimbalo glandridi glassala zingtata pimpalo ögrögöööö
viola laxato viola zimbrabim viola uli paluji malooo
tuffm im zimbrabim negramai bumbalo negramai bumbalo tuffm i zim
gadjama bimbala oo beri gadjama gaga di gadjama affalo pinx
gaga di bumbalo bumbalo gadjamen
gaga di bling blong
gaga blung
-Hugo Ball
gadjama gramma berida bimbala glandri galassassa laulitalomini
gadji beri bin blassa glassala laula lonni cadorsu sassala bim
gadjama tuffm i zimzalla binban gligla wowolimai bin beri ban
o katalominai rhinozerossola hopsamen laulitalomini hoooo
gadjama rhinozerossola hopsamen
bluku terullala blaulala loooo
zimzim urullala zimzim urullala zimzim zanzibar zimzalla zam
elifantolim brussala bulomen brussala bulomen tromtata
velo da bang band affalo purzamai affalo purzamai lengado tor
gadjama bimbalo glandridi glassala zingtata pimpalo ögrögöööö
viola laxato viola zimbrabim viola uli paluji malooo
tuffm im zimbrabim negramai bumbalo negramai bumbalo tuffm i zim
gadjama bimbala oo beri gadjama gaga di gadjama affalo pinx
gaga di bumbalo bumbalo gadjamen
gaga di bling blong
gaga blung
-Hugo Ball
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Iker Casillas Fernández
he's the real man. ngga cuma ganteng dan mempesona tapi kemampuan dan kelincahannya dalam menjaga gawang adalah yang terpenting. he's my favourite!! period! i lost my words!
holding 2010 fifa world cup south africa trophy
jittery, nervous, goose bump, shaking.. those are what i felt last night. the moment of truth has arrived. the match between Netherlands versus Espana. i supported Espana as well. started with the breathtaking closing ceremony to welcoming the final match.
i had pretty bad fever last night so i didn't go out to watch the match together with my fellas. i took drug and waiting patiently the match
langsung ke pertandingan.babak pertama dan kedua lewat begitu saja dengan skor 0-0. lalu additional time 2x15 menit. kurang dari 10 menit sebelum waktu habis, spanyol mencetak gol. dan goal itulah yang membawa spanyol menjadi juara pertama 2010 fifa world cup south africa ini.
perasaan saya senang sekali. bukan hanya karena saya ngefans sama goalkeepernya tapi karena emang ini kali pertamanya spanyol menang di fifa world cup. biasanya germany lah yang menjadi pemenangnya. tapi kali ini germany harus puas dengan perunggu di juara ketiga.
jadi, selamat untuk spanyol. campeones campeones ole ole ole!!
i had pretty bad fever last night so i didn't go out to watch the match together with my fellas. i took drug and waiting patiently the match
langsung ke pertandingan.babak pertama dan kedua lewat begitu saja dengan skor 0-0. lalu additional time 2x15 menit. kurang dari 10 menit sebelum waktu habis, spanyol mencetak gol. dan goal itulah yang membawa spanyol menjadi juara pertama 2010 fifa world cup south africa ini.
perasaan saya senang sekali. bukan hanya karena saya ngefans sama goalkeepernya tapi karena emang ini kali pertamanya spanyol menang di fifa world cup. biasanya germany lah yang menjadi pemenangnya. tapi kali ini germany harus puas dengan perunggu di juara ketiga.
jadi, selamat untuk spanyol. campeones campeones ole ole ole!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
awalnya mana pernah sih gue nonton bola. ih ga pernah. tapi world cup 2010 ini ga tau kenapa gue coba ikutan nontonin bola. awalnya sih karena di timeline twitter banyak yang ngomongin kalo pemain a itu gantenglah, kerenlah, blablabla. penasaran, akhirnya gue setel tv terus gue pantengin tuh tv untuk nyari si pemain a tapi ternyata ga segitu gantengnya menurut gue. trus ga sengaja ngeliat pemain b itu ganteng, trus gue bertanya-tanya sama temen gue siapa namanya. karena gue ga puas sampe akhirnya gue googling, semenjak itu, ya gue nonton bola untuk nyari yang ganteng dan enak diliat. sampe pada akhirnya beberapa hari yang lalu, pacar gue bilang kalo dia mau nonton spanyol vs paraguay. oh, hari itu ada 2 pertandingan. the first one was argentina vs germany dan germany menang 4-0. ternyata ngeliat ambience nonton bareng itu bikin merinding apalagi pas goal. akhirnya gue pindah ke citos untuk nonton spanyol vs paraguay. nah pas sebelum mulai kan ada bagian nyanyiin lagu kebangsaan masing-masing negara tuh. pas giliran spanyol gue liat yang paling terakhir disirit kamera tuh ganteng banget. langsunglah gue telpon pacar gue dan nanya siapa dia. ternyata namanya iker casillas. nama panjangnya iker casillas fernandez. ok, intinya spanyol menang tuh. nah tadi ini nih pertandingan spanyol vs germany. gue bingung sebenernya dukung mana secara gue ga ngerti tentang bola. akhirnya gue putuskanlah untuk dukung spanyol. terus gue minta dibikinin gambar bendera spanyol di pipi gue. langsung ke pertandingan, babak pertama masih 0-0, babak kedua spanyol dapet gol. gue ga tau kenapa seneng banget pas spanyol bisa ngebobol gawang germany. ditambah gue juga tau kalo spanyol belom pernah menang world cup. gue teriak ngga karuan pas spanyol nyetak gol. sampe akhirnya spanyol dinyatakan menang. itu senengnya ga karuan deh. dan gue sekarang tau gimana rasanya nonton bola, ngjagoin satu team dan team itu menang. dan yang lebih keren adalah spanyol masuk ke final ngelawan belanda. so, for final, automatically gue dukung spanyol!!
Viva la espana
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Imagine that you're a girl, driving alone in the middle of super sucks traffic jam, you're full of many kind of emotions and all of the sudden there's a Kopaja bumped into your car and leave a stroke. What are you going to do next?
Pengendara mobil mana sih yang ga benci sama Kopaja? Ugal-ugalan di jalan. Merasa kalo jalanan itu punya mereka. Nyerobot lampu merah. Berhenti seenak jidat. Dan seterusnya.
Di tengah kemacetan mobil gw diserempet Kopaja. At that time i feel like i drank a bottle of Vodka by myself. i was outta control. i didn't care whether he had a good intention to responsible of what he's done. with no compromise i threw all my rage to him and there was another person who mad at me because he thought that i'm a rich person so i didn't want to listen to the driver. in my mind, i had tried to control my emotion but it couldn't worked at all. i asked the driver untuk tanggung jawab. akhirnya dia ngambil uangnya. dia kasih ke gw dan gw liat 5000an dan 1000an. gw ngerasa ga adil kalo gw ambil uangnya. iya gw tau dia yang salah. tapi akhirnya gw bilang ke dia kalo emang dia niat tanggung jawab, ya gimana caranya ilangin baretannya. akhirnya di lari ke sana kemari lalu balik lagi dengan ngebawa tissue dan shampoo. gw ga tau apa gunanya shampoo. tapi abis itu dia pergi lagi dan balik dengan bawa lotion anti nyamuk. di pinggir jalan dia gosok-gosok pintu mobil yang ada baretannya itu. dan gw tetep ngeliatin dia dari dalem mobil. ya pada akhirnya gw cuma ikhlasin aja. gw juga tau itu bukan mobil gw tapi di satu sisi gw pun ga tega kalo emag bener uang dia yang cuma segitu trus mau gw ambil buat ilangin baretannya. ya ga bisa berharap banyak untuk dia ga ngulangin kebrutalannya dalam nyari uang. satu yang gw dapet adalah gw belom bisa kontrol emosi gw. susah ternyata.
Lesson learnt: They're a human being just like me. Listen to them even you hate them.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Prank messages
I knew nothing and voila! Someone did very good in provocating me and my friends.It pissed me off so badly. Geez! I'm done creating enemy long time ago but why me have to face this kind of problem?
Here's the story, Me and my friend used to be such a bosom friend. Then came a girl who changed my friend's personality. I barely couldn't saw him. I saw someone else who no longer give a damn about me. I hate it. I hate that situation. This girl made my friend became such a weird person. At last I decided to cut our friendship. I've told him that I don't like his gf and I still wanted to be with him as my best friend if that girl not exist near me. By the end, he chose that girl. Well, I think okay I can't push him anyway. And I tried to accept it. I don't hate him. I just put a gap between me and him. Well it was about 9 months ago.
And a week ago, my friend "C" was kinda interrogated me about my friend's gf. She asked had I ever gotten a prank message. Because she, her bf, and her friends got prank message. From the way she told me, I could tie a knot that it could be my friend's gf. I told that based on what was happened and what's written in the messages. Not only me, we have suspicion on someone who successfully set me and my best friend apart.
A day later, I woke up and received a beautiful prank message. I don't think I need an alarm. It opened my eyes widely. She insulted, humiliated, mocked me with her uneducated harsh words. I feel terribly offended. Hurt me so bad. But I didn't tell this to my family. They would be rampage.
Talking this talking that disscuss this disscuss tha, at the end we accused each other. There are two suspects here. The first one is from my side and the second one is from their side (my ex best friend and his gf). I just want to know who brave enough to play fire with me
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy for you
This is for my old friend.
I don't know what is happening out there or what was happened. All I know is even we're no longer as close as we used to, I wholeheartedly happy for your happiness. You know what? Maybe sounds silly, stupe, fatuous, oh you name it but I almost dropped my tears down and felt goose bumps when I saw your video posted by our friend. At first I didn't know what the video was about and then I kept pressing play and I saw you proposing your lover. It was just touched. I almost couldn't believe that my old friend or maybe ex-friend (if you said so) is going to marry someone he loves. Feels like...I don't know. I don't have any idea.
I don't know what is happening out there or what was happened. All I know is even we're no longer as close as we used to, I wholeheartedly happy for your happiness. You know what? Maybe sounds silly, stupe, fatuous, oh you name it but I almost dropped my tears down and felt goose bumps when I saw your video posted by our friend. At first I didn't know what the video was about and then I kept pressing play and I saw you proposing your lover. It was just touched. I almost couldn't believe that my old friend or maybe ex-friend (if you said so) is going to marry someone he loves. Feels like...I don't know. I don't have any idea.
Congratulations. I'm happy for you, Kanri....
Monday, February 15, 2010
Cyber Tribe - Freja Beha
Vogue UK, March 2010
My favourite model was rocked by the tribe in Cyber Tribe by Josh Olins
My favourite model was rocked by the tribe in Cyber Tribe by Josh Olins
Model: Freja Beha Erichsen
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Photographer: Josh Olins
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Diana Mini: Half-Frame & Square Format on 35mm!
A month ago, I bought a Lomo camera, called Diana Mini for 700k. I fell for this Diana Mini because of its small size and cute. It also uses 35mm roll format. Which means that is the standart format.
I’m a general person in the world of manual photography. I don’t even know how to load the roll though the manual book had explained in detail. Like it or not, I read that manual book. And now I’m getting used to it. The first time I bought I didn’t ask much about the ISO. At last I bought ISO 200 and when the roll ends, I bought the same ISO 200 again for the second time. Then, I rushed to photo lab to convert it to negative film. I was waiting with biting nail and a bit nervous, And...voila..there are only 3 images I could see cleary..! The rests? Don’t ask! But the second roll was better than the first one because I took many objects outdoor so its got enough light.-Pino- She's a 5 months Chihuahua
Pino in two layers
Evening sky
Now, the third roll is in progress. Using ISO 400. I hope this time would better than the last. Can't wait to see how it works..
Friday, January 29, 2010
I'm a sucker doing this in super late night
1. What is your current obsession?
my journey as a traveler
2. What are you wearing today?
Oh no! I'm in a mess. About to sleep actually
A silver afro girl in my black tshirt and a flower bloom short
3. What’s for dinner?
Don't know. Haven't checked my dining room
4. What’s the last thing you bought?
Many things. Just got back from shopping
5. What are you listening to right now?
Jens Lekman - Another sweet summer's night on hammer hill. So so song. Shuffled song
6. What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Don't know
7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
None other than Italy
8. One thing you wanna change about yourself?
Many things but for now I think the too-picky me
9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Italy pleaseee.. Oh no somebody take me there
10. Which language do you want to learn?
Italian, Greek, French
11. What’s your favourite quote?
Too many.. ;p
12 . Would you cook for me?
Heh?? I don't know who you are
13. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you?
Hurt physically? Or mentally?
14. What are you afraid of the most?
My God almighty
15. Who do you want to meet right now?
My boyf!! I've missed him. It'd be nice if my boyf pick me up right now
16. What is your favourite color to wear:
black and white
17. Give us 3 styling tips that work for you on the current fashion trends:
Just don't wear low collar shirt just to show how big your boobs. That's ironic, girls
You're a quiet fat? Don't wear any polkadots pattern
Ehm, that's a legging not pants
18. What is your dream job?
boss of bosses
19. What’s your favorite magazine?
20. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
A cute gown for the next wedding party and a pair of shoes
21. What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Big flower headband with tacky colours.
22. Who according to you is the most over-rated writer?
Never read any overrated writer. All I had been read was from two-thumbs-up writers
23. What brings a smile on your face instantly?
Shopping and travelling. Kinda hard, isn't it?
24. A word that you say a lot?
25. What kind of haircut do you prefer?
Can't make my mind up about this. Ok..mid hair. Not too long and not too short
26. What are you going to do after this?
Dinner. Oh just for info, now is 2 am
27. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
keep praying. Driving wherever I want to go
28. What makes you go wild?
I'm not a wild person but I think alcohol could turned me into something like uncontrol
29. What are your favourite movies?
Happy go lucky
30. What inspires you?
New places.. And musics
31. What do your friends call you most commonly?
shorter version of my name
32. Would you prefer coffee or tea?
33. Which other blogs do you love visiting?
Many. I have the list on the left side of this blog
34. Favorite dessert/sweet?
Icy creammmm
35. How many tabs are turned on in your browser right now?
36. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I love how God created me. The unperfect me
37. Favorite season?
38. One wish that you really want to see it come true?
I don't want to share it cause it won't come true, if i do.
39. What breaks your heart?
If I make my parents dissapointed or upset
40. What's one thing you really want to do in life?
Helping people
my journey as a traveler
2. What are you wearing today?
Oh no! I'm in a mess. About to sleep actually
A silver afro girl in my black tshirt and a flower bloom short
3. What’s for dinner?
Don't know. Haven't checked my dining room
4. What’s the last thing you bought?
Many things. Just got back from shopping
5. What are you listening to right now?
Jens Lekman - Another sweet summer's night on hammer hill. So so song. Shuffled song
6. What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Don't know
7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
None other than Italy
8. One thing you wanna change about yourself?
Many things but for now I think the too-picky me
9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Italy pleaseee.. Oh no somebody take me there
10. Which language do you want to learn?
Italian, Greek, French
11. What’s your favourite quote?
Too many.. ;p
12 . Would you cook for me?
Heh?? I don't know who you are
13. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you?
Hurt physically? Or mentally?
14. What are you afraid of the most?
My God almighty
15. Who do you want to meet right now?
My boyf!! I've missed him. It'd be nice if my boyf pick me up right now
16. What is your favourite color to wear:
black and white
17. Give us 3 styling tips that work for you on the current fashion trends:
Just don't wear low collar shirt just to show how big your boobs. That's ironic, girls
You're a quiet fat? Don't wear any polkadots pattern
Ehm, that's a legging not pants
18. What is your dream job?
boss of bosses
19. What’s your favorite magazine?
20. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
A cute gown for the next wedding party and a pair of shoes
21. What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Big flower headband with tacky colours.
22. Who according to you is the most over-rated writer?
Never read any overrated writer. All I had been read was from two-thumbs-up writers
23. What brings a smile on your face instantly?
Shopping and travelling. Kinda hard, isn't it?
24. A word that you say a lot?
25. What kind of haircut do you prefer?
Can't make my mind up about this. Ok..mid hair. Not too long and not too short
26. What are you going to do after this?
Dinner. Oh just for info, now is 2 am
27. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
keep praying. Driving wherever I want to go
28. What makes you go wild?
I'm not a wild person but I think alcohol could turned me into something like uncontrol
29. What are your favourite movies?
Happy go lucky
30. What inspires you?
New places.. And musics
31. What do your friends call you most commonly?
shorter version of my name
32. Would you prefer coffee or tea?
33. Which other blogs do you love visiting?
Many. I have the list on the left side of this blog
34. Favorite dessert/sweet?
Icy creammmm
35. How many tabs are turned on in your browser right now?
36. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I love how God created me. The unperfect me
37. Favorite season?
38. One wish that you really want to see it come true?
I don't want to share it cause it won't come true, if i do.
39. What breaks your heart?
If I make my parents dissapointed or upset
40. What's one thing you really want to do in life?
Helping people
You're welcome to copy and paste this to your blog if you want to
Friday, December 11, 2009
Hongkong - Macau.
My next adventure would be Hongkong and Macau. Yea this Hongkong-Macau is supposed to be my agenda for New Year 2010 but when the money talks, I can do nothing. I'm in between job right now.
Well, I've got the ticket from Jakarta - Hongkong by Jetstar (transit in Singapore approximately 6 hours) for IDR 1.050.000 or USD 110. I bought this on November 23, 2009 to fly on February 27, 2010. Whereas for Macau - Jakarta by Viva Macau for IDR 915.000 or USD 96 without transit, straight to Jakarta for March 7, 2010
And probably I'll book the hostel by the end of January.
Well, I've got the ticket from Jakarta - Hongkong by Jetstar (transit in Singapore approximately 6 hours) for IDR 1.050.000 or USD 110. I bought this on November 23, 2009 to fly on February 27, 2010. Whereas for Macau - Jakarta by Viva Macau for IDR 915.000 or USD 96 without transit, straight to Jakarta for March 7, 2010
And probably I'll book the hostel by the end of January.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Bummed out caused of visa thingy
Yaaa lumayan kesel lah soalnya gw ga jadi berangkat ke Eropa (Prancis, London, Italy). Kenapa? Apalagi masalahnya kalo bukan masalah visa yang wajib dimiliki setiap WNI yang passportnya ijo-ijo ada gambar garudanya itu. Padahal setau gw orang-orang dari Negara lain gampang banget masuk ke Indonesia. Hiks, irinya gw.
Jadi dulu si pacar pernah janji bakal ngajak gw ke Eropa soalnya dia diterima kerja yang rejekinya lebih dari cukup menurut gw. Awalnya sih ke Raja Ampat, eh dia dengan sombongnya bilang ke Bora-bora. Ya sekalian aja gw minta ke Eropa. Nanggung lah kalo cuma Bora-bora doang. Eh dia setuju. Hehehe.
Rencana berangkatnya itu tahun baru 2010 kemarin. Yang mana karena ke-plin-plan-an gw, akhirnya berubahlah dari UK-Prancis-Italy, jadi Prancis-Italy-Greece karena cuma ngurus visa Schengen aja.
Awalnya gw pikir gw bakal tiba di Prancis dan balik dari Prancis lagi tapi kata si pacar pulang dari Greece. Dannnn... itu artinya gw sama aja harus ngurus di dua kedutaan yaitu kedutaan Prancis dan Greece. *menghela nafas pertama
Gw googling kedutaan besar Prancis, terus besoknya gw nelpon dan minta disebutin syarat-syaratnya. Pas nulis syarat-syaratnya sih seneng tapi pas proses ngumpulin dokumen kok jadi kesel sendiri ya. *menghela nafas kedua
Curhatlah gw sama pacar. Eh kita malah berantem. Dia ngerasa susah dan ribet banget ngurus visa. Menurut gw ya emang begitu prosedurnya. Lalu gw bilang kalo gw yakin pasti bisa dapet deh visanya. Again dia bilang, “Mau liburan kok repot banget”. *menghela nafas ketiga
Esoknya (lagi) gw googling travel agent yang bisa bantu untuk ngurus visa. Lalu telpon dan minta dikirimin syarat-syarat dokumen by email. Tring! Pas gw baca, hmmm 11-12 sama yang disebutin Mbak-mbak kedutaan Prancis. Malah yang dari travel agent jauh lebih ribet. *menghela nafas keempat
Dokumen itu semua sebenernya gampang banget. Serius! Mau tau apa yang bikin ribet? Ya karena gwnya. Bayangin aja gw pergi bukan sama orangtua ataupun sama suami ataupun urusan bisnis ataupun urusan sekolah. Gw pergi sama pacar yang notabene kalo di mata kedutaan sih sama aja kayak pergi sama temen. Untuk itu gw harus minta surat izin orangtua yang harus dilegalisir, SIUP orangtua, buku tabungan orangtua, rekening koran dan yang paling ngeselin adalah karena di Prancis nanti bakal stay di flat kakaknya si pacar, maka gw diharuskan bawa surat keterangan pajak si kakaknya pacar beserta surat apalah itu dari walikota. Ngedengernya aja bikin pengen nyelem. Walhasil dari sekian juta kali debat sama pacar, diputuskanlah untuk menyimpan kembali uang liburannya dan dipending sampai 6 bulan ke depan. Semoga aja 6 bulan ke depan gw udah dapet kerja, jadi keliatan pemasukan rutin di buku tabungan gw dan mempermudahkan proses visa. -_-
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Question marks
Where is your mobile phone? on the bed
Where is your significant other? away
Your hair colour? dusk
Your mother? sleeping
Your father? working
Your favourite thing? beaches
Your dream last night? forgot
Your dream goal? heaven
The room you're in? 1st floor
Your hobby? laughing
Your fear? God
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Italy
Where were you last night? one of urban ppl fav mall
What you're not? fat
One of your wish-list items? Round tickets to Italy and Greece
Where you grew up? Jakarta
The last thing you did? copied this
What are you wearing? shirt and pants
Your TV? off
Your pets? Cherry & Pino
Your computer? rest in peace
Your mood? missing someone
Missing someone? haha
Your car? parked
Something you're not wearing? bra
Favourite shop? Pull & Bear
Your summer? Greece
Love someone? yea
Your favourite colour? yellow
When is the last time you laughed? few seconds ago
When is the last time you cried? forgot
Feel free to copy and paste this
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Agyness Deyn - Vogue Italia
Vogue Italia (November 2006)
Just found out this fashion spread
And this is for you my Ary. Your favourite shorty-hair-boyish girl. I know you're such a big fan of her, aite?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Books about travelling
Some local novels you should read if you love travelling but you have no money yet to realizing your dream to be a traveler. You can use your imagination by reading these books before you rocketing yourself around this wild world.
- Traveler’s Tale – Adhitya Mulya, Alaya Setya, Iman Hidajat, Ninit Yunita
- The Naked Traveler – Trinity
- Back “Europe” Pack, Keliling Eropa 6 Bulan Hanya 1.000 Dolar, Jalur Pertemanan – Marina Silvia K.
- Ciao Italia – Gama Harjono
- Travellous - Andrei Budiman
Hope these books can enlighten your mind
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Freja's street style
Well, her style is so simple yet showing her identity. And I like it. Yes of course I will steal her style. Well I might be dressed like her with black jacket (not leather jacket), loose tees, jeans, keffiyeh. And what I didn't use was the black shoes and her hairstyle.
So, I think Freja's items are
- Loose T-Shirt
- Jeans (better in black)
- Black or brown bag
- Hi-Black Sneakers
I'll try and soon I'll give the picture
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Dedicated to the ocean and everything in it
Someday i wish i can dedicate my life to sea. Spend the rest of my life with diving (complete my divemaster certification first), night diving, reef check, walking on the sand barefoot, watching school of fish, sunbathing, any forms of life in water.
God is my everything. God created world and made a truly beautiful sea.
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