Monday, June 22, 2009

Attention, Il mio ragazzo

Need loads of attention more than you need your pills to keep yourself alive every second


Friday, June 5, 2009

........La Roux........

I knew this band from MTV. I saw it a couple time then i realized that i love the music.

La Roux (baca : La Roo) is French for red-haired one. A British Electropop band that consists of Eleanor “Elly” Jackson as singer and Ben Langmaid as the synth player and also covered as co-writer and co-producer.

Their music influenced by 1980s synth pop including Human League, Heaven 17, Blancmange and Yazoo. Also Blondie, Boys Noize, Chaka Khan, CHROMEO OH OH, CLOR, CSS, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Doris Troy, Eurythmics, Gary Numan, George Michael, Hot Chip, Joni Mitchell, Justice, Kitsune, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Mr Oizo, Postal Service, Prince, SebastiAn, Sebastien Tellier, Talk Talk, Tears for Fears, TEPR, The Cure, The Faint, The Knife, and Tom Vek.

My best tracks are “Bulletproof”, “In For The Kill”, and “Tigerlily”.


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