Friday, December 11, 2009

Hongkong - Macau.

My next adventure would be Hongkong and Macau. Yea this Hongkong-Macau is supposed to be my agenda for New Year 2010 but when the money talks, I can do nothing. I'm in between job right now.
Well, I've got the ticket from Jakarta - Hongkong by Jetstar (transit in Singapore approximately 6 hours) for IDR 1.050.000 or USD 110. I bought this on November 23, 2009 to fly on February 27, 2010. Whereas for Macau - Jakarta by Viva Macau for IDR 915.000 or USD 96 without transit, straight to Jakarta for March 7, 2010
And probably I'll book the hostel by the end of January.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bummed out caused of visa thingy

Yaaa lumayan kesel lah soalnya gw ga jadi berangkat ke Eropa (Prancis, London, Italy). Kenapa? Apalagi masalahnya kalo bukan masalah visa yang wajib dimiliki setiap WNI yang passportnya ijo-ijo ada gambar garudanya itu. Padahal setau gw orang-orang dari Negara lain gampang banget masuk ke Indonesia. Hiks, irinya gw.

Jadi dulu si pacar pernah janji bakal ngajak gw ke Eropa soalnya dia diterima kerja yang rejekinya lebih dari cukup menurut gw. Awalnya sih ke Raja Ampat, eh dia dengan sombongnya bilang ke Bora-bora. Ya sekalian aja gw minta ke Eropa. Nanggung lah kalo cuma Bora-bora doang. Eh dia setuju. Hehehe.
Rencana berangkatnya itu tahun baru 2010 kemarin. Yang mana karena ke-plin-plan-an gw, akhirnya berubahlah dari UK-Prancis-Italy, jadi Prancis-Italy-Greece karena cuma ngurus visa Schengen aja.

Awalnya gw pikir gw bakal tiba di Prancis dan balik dari Prancis lagi tapi kata si pacar pulang dari Greece. Dannnn... itu artinya gw sama aja harus ngurus di dua kedutaan yaitu kedutaan Prancis dan Greece. *menghela nafas pertama
Gw googling kedutaan besar Prancis, terus besoknya gw nelpon dan minta disebutin syarat-syaratnya. Pas nulis syarat-syaratnya sih seneng tapi pas proses ngumpulin dokumen kok jadi kesel sendiri ya. *menghela nafas kedua

Curhatlah gw sama pacar. Eh kita malah berantem. Dia ngerasa susah dan ribet banget ngurus visa. Menurut gw ya emang begitu prosedurnya. Lalu gw bilang kalo gw yakin pasti bisa dapet deh visanya. Again dia bilang, “Mau liburan kok repot banget”. *menghela nafas ketiga

Esoknya (lagi) gw googling travel agent yang bisa bantu untuk ngurus visa. Lalu telpon dan minta dikirimin syarat-syarat dokumen by email. Tring! Pas gw baca, hmmm 11-12 sama yang disebutin Mbak-mbak kedutaan Prancis. Malah yang dari travel agent jauh lebih ribet. *menghela nafas keempat

Dokumen itu semua sebenernya gampang banget. Serius! Mau tau apa yang bikin ribet? Ya karena gwnya. Bayangin aja gw pergi bukan sama orangtua ataupun sama suami ataupun urusan bisnis ataupun urusan sekolah. Gw pergi sama pacar yang notabene kalo di mata kedutaan sih sama aja kayak pergi sama temen. Untuk itu gw harus minta surat izin orangtua yang harus dilegalisir, SIUP orangtua, buku tabungan orangtua, rekening koran dan yang paling ngeselin adalah karena di Prancis nanti bakal stay di flat kakaknya si pacar, maka gw diharuskan bawa surat keterangan pajak si kakaknya pacar beserta surat apalah itu dari walikota. Ngedengernya aja bikin pengen nyelem. Walhasil dari sekian juta kali debat sama pacar, diputuskanlah untuk menyimpan kembali uang liburannya dan dipending sampai 6 bulan ke depan. Semoga aja 6 bulan ke depan gw udah dapet kerja, jadi keliatan pemasukan rutin di buku tabungan gw dan mempermudahkan proses visa. -_-


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Question marks

Where is your mobile phone? on the bed
Where is your significant other? away
Your hair colour? dusk
Your mother? sleeping
Your father? working
Your favourite thing? beaches
Your dream last night? forgot
Your dream goal? heaven
The room you're in? 1st floor
Your hobby? laughing
Your fear? God
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Italy
Where were you last night? one of urban ppl fav mall
What you're not? fat
One of your wish-list items? Round tickets to Italy and Greece
Where you grew up? Jakarta
The last thing you did? copied this
What are you wearing? shirt and pants
Your TV? off
Your pets? Cherry & Pino
Your computer? rest in peace
Your mood? missing someone
Missing someone? haha
Your car? parked
Something you're not wearing? bra
Favourite shop? Pull & Bear
Your summer? Greece
Love someone? yea
Your favourite colour? yellow
When is the last time you laughed? few seconds ago
When is the last time you cried? forgot

Feel free to copy and paste this

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Agyness Deyn - Vogue Italia

Vogue Italia (November 2006)

Just found out this fashion spread
And this is for you my Ary. Your favourite shorty-hair-boyish girl. I know you're such a big fan of her, aite?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Books about travelling

Some local novels you should read if you love travelling but you have no money yet to realizing your dream to be a traveler. You can use your imagination by reading these books before you rocketing yourself around this wild world.
  • Traveler’s Tale – Adhitya Mulya, Alaya Setya, Iman Hidajat, Ninit Yunita
  • The Naked Traveler – Trinity
  • Back “Europe” Pack, Keliling Eropa 6 Bulan Hanya 1.000 Dolar, Jalur Pertemanan – Marina Silvia K.
  • Ciao Italia – Gama Harjono
  • Travellous - Andrei Budiman

Hope these books can enlighten your mind


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Freja's street style

Well, her style is so simple yet showing her identity. And I like it. Yes of course I will steal her style. Well I might be dressed like her with black jacket (not leather jacket), loose tees, jeans, keffiyeh. And what I didn't use was the black shoes and her hairstyle.
So, I think Freja's items are
  • Loose T-Shirt
  • Jeans (better in black)
  • Black or brown bag
  • Hi-Black Sneakers

I'll try and soon I'll give the picture  


Freja Beha Erichsen

She was born October 18, 1987 in Roskilde, Denmark. Give me just one reason why I have to hate Freja Beha Erichsen? Strong bone cheeks improved her characteristic

Erichsen made her debut as a model in 2005 at the fall Prada, Louis Vuitton, and Miu Miu shows in Milan and Paris, where she opened for the latter. Since, she has appeared in ad campaigns for brands such as Balenciaga, Jil Sander, Gucci, Hugo Boss, H&M, CK by Calvin Klein, Hermès,  Chanel, and Chloé. She has appeared in editorials for Vogue Italia, British Vogue, Interview Magazine, and on the covers of Vogue China, Vogue Nippon (Japan), V Magazine, W Magazine and Harper’s Bazaar In addition to her work, she has also opened Runway shows for multiple fashion designers including Christian Lacroix, Zac Posen, and Balenciaga.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dedicated to the ocean and everything in it

Someday i wish i can dedicate my life to sea. Spend the rest of my life with diving (complete my divemaster certification first), night diving, reef check, walking on the sand barefoot, watching school of fish, sunbathing, any forms of life in water.
God is my everything. God created world and made a truly beautiful sea.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Juergen Teller for Marc Jacobs Ads

Marc Jacobs ads' are always inspiring and fun also combined with some elements of "weird". Cropped the shots strangely and even took amateurish close-ups that obsecure paintings with flashbulb glare. Have you ever thinking about someone who photographed the ads?

And it was Juergen Teller. A glance about him, he was born in 1964 in Erlangen, German. He studied at the Bayerische Staatslehranstalt fur Photograhie in Munich (1984-1986).

Maybe we rarely heard his name but no need to worry about his masterpiece. Because the last 10 years, he has collaborated with Marc Jacobs and also works on the Vivienne Westwood campaign. Juergen Teller's subjects ennui in the most spectacular of settings, as in his well-known Marc Jacobs ads. 

Nothing's going to beat the Fall 2009 Marc Jacobs ads with Natasa Vojnovic leaning out of a brick building, but her campaign compatriots - Ajuma Nasenyana, Olga Sherer, Kamila Filipcikova, and Irina Kulikova - put up a good fight in this acid-washed full set.


Friday, August 14, 2009


Hangat, mesra, gembira, tawa
Cepat ya?
Hanya ada kepalsuan dari saya dan mungkin dia
Sia sia menghamburkan materi dan tenaga terlebih berdusta.
Saat saya atau dia tersiksa apa dia dan saya ada disampingnya? Saat dia susah apa iya dia tidak butuh saya? Selama ini siapa yang selalu bersamanya? Siapa? Dia atau saya?
Semua berubah dan hilang. Saya dan dia sama besar egonya

*dia : bermakna jamak ataupun tunggal
*saya : bermakna jamak ataupun tunggal


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Karl Lagerfeld

"Fashion is the healthiest motivation for losing weight."
-Karl Lagerfeld

Monday, August 10, 2009


Keduanya diam membisu. Entah mempertahankan keadaan seperti ini atau memang tidak ingin berubah menjadi baik atau bertambah buruk. Hanya itu pilihannya.

Sepulangnya teman saya dari waktu kerjanya, ia masih sangat normal dan menyenangkan. Tidak ada yang lain. Apalagi kami akan melakukan perjalanan ke luar negri untuk pertama kalinya bersama-sama. Yah meskipun hanya Singapore yang tidak jauh dari Jakarta namun kebersamaan kami akan melunturkan “hanya Singapore” itu. Benar-benar penuh dengan excitement! Ia pun sangat meminta kami untuk membuat perjalanan ini, mmm seperti tidak terlupakan dan harus sangat menyenangkan. Dan kami sangat menyanggupi. Apalagi dengan keadaan kami yang tidak giting saja sudah sinting.

Mendekati hari-hari perjalanan kami, disitulah bermula. Entah apa tapi yang jelas merusak. Sungguh. Saya sangat senang bila dirinya senang tapi apa? Mana kehangatan kami? Mana keceriaan kami? Seperti terhisap oleh romantika mereka yang bukan hanya saja saya yang merasa gerah tapi teman-teman saya pun merasakannya. Lumrah untuk seorang yang hampir udzur tidak merasakan hangatnya kekasih. Saya pernah mengingatkannya dahulu kala dan mungkin ia lupa atau melupakannya bahwa ia hanya membutuhkan teman saat ia muram. Memang saya terutama dan teman-teman saya tidak suka pada pasangannya. Memang menurut saya pasangannya aneh. Terlalu aneh bagi saya. Maaf ya teman bila saya tidak suka. Tapi yang saya perhatikan adalah anda. Bukan pasangan anda. Jadi marilah mencoba untuk bersikap normal kepada kami. Karena andalah penengahnya. Bukan kami atau pasangan anda. Sepertinya ia bukan lagi teman saya atau (sudah saya anggap) sahabat saya. Karena seorang sahabat akan lebih peduli kepada temannya bukan kepada seorang yang dengan cepat sekali mengubah keceriaan kami.

Seandainya teman saya membaca ini mungkin kami bisa saling bertukar pikiran.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Singapore, 2 - 5 August 2009

This is my second trip to Singapore. Hmm, it was kinda fun but not that fun actually because there was few problems stuck in my head. :)
We was up to having a complete member trip. Five of us. I thought the second time would be better than the first. That's wrong! So i won't tell how did we get there. Just give you some pictures. Sorry :( 

Which way to go? This way or that way?

Playing in the sand like we used to play when we were young

At Changi Airport. We were about to heading back to Jakarta


Monday, June 22, 2009

Attention, Il mio ragazzo

Need loads of attention more than you need your pills to keep yourself alive every second


Friday, June 5, 2009

........La Roux........

I knew this band from MTV. I saw it a couple time then i realized that i love the music.

La Roux (baca : La Roo) is French for red-haired one. A British Electropop band that consists of Eleanor “Elly” Jackson as singer and Ben Langmaid as the synth player and also covered as co-writer and co-producer.

Their music influenced by 1980s synth pop including Human League, Heaven 17, Blancmange and Yazoo. Also Blondie, Boys Noize, Chaka Khan, CHROMEO OH OH, CLOR, CSS, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Doris Troy, Eurythmics, Gary Numan, George Michael, Hot Chip, Joni Mitchell, Justice, Kitsune, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Mr Oizo, Postal Service, Prince, SebastiAn, Sebastien Tellier, Talk Talk, Tears for Fears, TEPR, The Cure, The Faint, The Knife, and Tom Vek.

My best tracks are “Bulletproof”, “In For The Kill”, and “Tigerlily”.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dr. Martens

Do you guys still remember with the famous yellow stitching, two-tone grooved sole and distinctive footprint, 8 eyelets/ 14 eyelets (doesn’t matter) and trademark “Airwair”?? Yes, yes, you’re right. DOC MARTENS!!!

Back to the days when i was child, i whimpered for this boots. I also forgot where I know these shoes for the very first time. All of the sudden i wanted these shoes badly. Hmm, mungkin gara-gara yang lain juga pada punya kali ya? But clearly, i used to wear it!! And now I do not know at all the existence of a very glorious shoes in the 70s in British. And now i want it again! Crush on it! But must be MADE IN ENGLAND!

A glance about Doc Martens. This shoe was found by Dr. Klaus Martens. He was a doctor for the German army during World War II. He created these shoes because he thought that the shoes at his ages was uncomfortable everytime his legs hurt and unable to protect well. Doc Martens boots first came out in the UK on 1 April 1960 or better known as 1460 style. Doc Martens also often called DMs/ Docs. choice goes to..... Dr. Martens – 1460 – Blue Little Flowers


Friday, May 8, 2009

i hate

Wishing to get the days we were laughing together. Rocking and rolling. But I just don’t have any idea what’s going on with us. I’m fed up with fighting for frank. We always used to stand up. Is it because of me? Or is it because of you? We both realized that having a fight won’t solve the problem. Or we are afraid of something? Afraid to face something we’ve never expected, we’ve never imagined before? My problems and yours are collide, and left no space for us to think.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Pelabuhan Ratu, April 2009

Me and my friends (Agung, Fitri, and Sarah) went to Pelabuhan Ratu by car. It took approximately 4 hours from Jakarta. We went there in order to celebrate my birthday actually but not kinda celebration. Just having fun together. :)
Pelabuhan Ratu beach has big waves. That is why surfers love to surf there, including my manfriend (but it was.. Mmm i mean my manfriend, not the surfers. Don't get me wrong).

Inside the car take a little rest and snacking

This is the place where we stayed. Err i forgot the name. Sorry

This is the beach

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hari ini tanggal 8 bulan 4 dan saya mengulang tanggal ini untuk ke 22 kalinya. Dan ucapan pertama keluar dari mulut kekasih saya. Setahun lalu, ia memberikan ucapan melalui pesan singkat. Tahun ini melalui sebuah percakapan di telepon. Semoga tahun selanjutnya ucapan itu diutarakan secara langsung. Amin.

Di waktu tidur yang hanya kurang lebih 2 jam, diisi dengan bunyi-bunyian sms yang sebenarnya membuat saya tetap terjaga meskipun saya tidur. Saya sangat senang karena itu berarti masih banyak yang perhatian dengan saya. Dan karena itu pula saya tidak terlambat untuk bangun. Karena saya harus wawancara untuk salah satu tabloid ibukota.

Terima kasih untuk Allah SWT, karena saya masih diberikan umur. Saya masih bisa berkesempatan merasakan usia 22. Masih diberikan kesempatan untuk membekali diri untuk kehidupan yang kekal dan abadi nanti, membenahi banyak hal yang luput dari pemikiran saya, serta membahagiakan orang-orang yang berada di sekitar saya. Angka ini adalah hadiah yang tak ternilai. Terima kasih. Amin.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You don't know

Do you know my passion?
Do you know why i’m skinny?
Do you know my favourite book?
Do you know my favourite gadget?
Do you know my mom’s name?
Do you know where i always sitting and thinking alone?
Do you know my favourite jeans?
Do you know that i know you don’t know the answers?

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I went from Singapore to Malaysia by bus and it was costs SGD30 for 6 hours drive. So we were used those 6 hours to continue our disrupted sleep because the bus left Golden Mile Complex at about 6.30AM.
Malaysia actually looked like Indonesia. But yes of course, Indonesia is my home and I prefer Indonesia. :)
After 6 hours, we finally arrived but we looked like the prodigal child dragging luggage and carrying bags. We were clueless and ran out of phone credit. Mm, actually since I was in Jakarta, I've contacted an unknown guy from Facebook who lived in Malaysia but I'm a hundred percent not sure about him. Hey that's sofa king normal to not count on him. But we don't have any choice anymore so we let him picked us in bus station. Then voila, he and his friends were so kind, nice, and very helpful. Seriously, if not because of them, we don't know what would happened to us

Twin Tower Petronas

In front of Suria KLCC

Nice view 



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